A Case Study: George Carlin, Artificial Intelligence and the Right of Publicity

Carolyn Wimbly Martin, Sara Etemad-Moghadam and Ella Sands

In January 2024 Dudesy, an AI-assisted podcast, released a new hourlong special titled “George Carlin: I’m Glad I’m Dead,” featuring a version of the late comedian George Carlin (“Carlin”) allegedly generated by artificial intelligence (“AI”). Dudesy is a comedy podcast written, created and controlled by AI, and is hosted by “Mad TV” alum Will Sasso […]

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AI and Posthumous Digital Personas

Kazuo Ishiguro’s newest book, Klara and the Sun, is a work of fiction, but barely so. Klara is an AF, or artificial friend. Spoiler alert — her purpose is to study her owner so intensely that she can not only learn her habits and perform her activities but take on personality characteristics to the point […]

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Virtual Try-On Features: Augmented Reality Technologies Highlight Evolving Compliance Hurdles Under U.S. Privacy Laws

Carolyn Wimbly Martin and Margaret Horstman

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing restrictions have made it hard for consumers to try on clothes, accessories and makeup before making a purchase. As an alternative, consumers have turned to augmented reality (AR) “virtual try-ons” offered by brands like Garnier, Maybelline and Warby Parker. AR is the use of digital information, […]

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AI in the Living Room: The Problem with Online Exam Proctors

Carolyn Wimbly Martin and Ethan Barr

When the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered physical classrooms, students arrived home to numerous Zoom or Google Meet invitations to attend their newly established virtual classes. Now that remote education has become ubiquitous (despite optimistic plans for in-person classes in Fall 2021), many educational institutions have turned to the trendiest technological advances to monitor classroom activity, particularly […]

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EU Proposes Artificial Intelligence Regulations: What Does This Mean for the U.S.?

Carolyn Wimbly Martin and Ethan Barr

On Wednesday, April 21, the European Union (EU) officially set forth the “Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonized rules on artificial intelligence,” more commonly referred to as the Artificial Intelligence Act (hereinafter, “the Regulation”). This set of rules would govern the use of artificial intelligence (AI) within the jurisdiction of the EU. The Regulation […]

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Artificial Intelligence and Historical Research: Unlocking Ancient Secrets

Artificial intelligence is transforming historical research in profound ways, unlocking secrets contained in centuries-old documents and enabling technological and historical analysis at a level not previously thought possible. The Great Isaiah Scroll The Dead Sea Scrolls are considered the oldest manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible, dating from the 4th century BCE. The first discovery of […]

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