I recently had the opportunity to be the featured presenter for the University of Maryland’s Center for Intellectual Property Online Certification Course in Copyright. As context for a discussion of DMCA issues currently in the news and before the courts, I described the origins of the law and my personal role as one of the lead negotiators for the legislation. I also discussed the interplay of copyright law and contracts, the online service provider limitation and the anti-circumvention rules in the DMCA, the Librarian of Congress’ triennial proceeding to set DMCA exceptions, Digital Rights Management, copyright fair use, and the TEACH Act. With this background, I turned to current matters – Viacom’s $1 billion copyright infringement litigation against You Tube, the multi-million dollar music downloading verdict, the impact of the explosion of e-reader devices like the Kindle and the import of e-licensing, and details about the AIME streaming video case against UCLA. The WIMBA online platform allowed the opportunity for the students to pose questions and make comments, and the debate was lively and active throughout the Q&A portion of the session.